MongoDB Atlas Peering: Spring Boot App hosted in AKS

Rajesh Vinayagam
6 min readMar 1, 2021

Organisation prefer to have their application development more agile and scale quickly as needed. Modern Applications Architecture prefer Kubernetes and MongoDB for application orchestration and data management needs.

Major Cloud Vendors AWS, Azure, Google offers Kubernetes as a Managed Service(PaaS) & MongoDB offers fully managed Database service Atlas.

Customers usually want to securely connect to Atlas Cluster running on AWS, Azure or Google Cloud via Peering or Private Endpoints. In this article we will see how to create Peering between AKS Cluster and Mongo Atlas running in Azure.

AKS Cluster are deployed within Customers VNet and MongoDB Atlas Clusters are deployed in their own Virtual Network(VNet), we have to create a VNet peering between AKS and Mongo Atlas, later use the private address space allocated in Azure AKS as the whitelisted IP’s in Atlas as shown above.


Mongo Atlas ( Azure )

  1. Create an Atlas account.
  2. Create an Organisation with one project.
  3. Create an Atlas Cluster( Peering option is available only on M10 and above)
  4. Create a DB User with access to any database

Kubernetes Cluster ( AKS )

  1. Create a Azure Subscription, if you don’t have one already
  2. Create Resource Group and have a region similar to the one in Atlas Cluster.
  3. Create Kubernetes service, Container Registry and VPN under the above resource group
  4. Deploy the Spring Boot App
  5. Create an external service as Load Balancer.

Create Atlas Cluster

Under the project choose Create Cluster and follow the below wizard. Select the required cloud provider, in this PoC we are using Azure, so lets use Azure and choose the required region

Create Atlas Cluster

For Cluster Tier use M10 as peering is allowed from m10 and above.

The Cluster creation will take 10 mins once the cluster is created lets create a DB user.

Add a New DB User

Add a DB user with read and write access to the database. This will be used in the connection string for connecting to a database

DBUser: Add a DB user for connecting to the database from the application.

Create AKS Cluster

Create a Kubernetes service, following the wizard as shown below.

AKS : Create AKS Cluster

Follow the wizard and use the default setting for others. One of the critical step is choosing the networking configuration. By default AKS uses kubenet for network configuration, choose Azure CNI instead to use VPN Peering . AKS doesn’t allow to change these settings once the cluster is created, so this has to done while the cluster is created.

In this step we can use the already created Virtual network & subnets or create a new one. This Virtual Network will be later used for MongoDB Peering.

AKS Cluster: Create New Virtual Network and Subnet

The next step is using container register under Integration tab, again in this step we can use the existing container registry or create a new one. Container registry is used as a repository for the spring boot app. Later we can pull this image from the registry and deploy in AKS.

AKS Cluster : Integration with Container Registry

Network Access

As a part of security requirements Atlas controls inbound traffic to the Cluster using Network Access settings. Currently Atlas provides 3 options for controlling the access to the Cluster.

  1. IP Address List: Configure the list of IP addresses( single IP address or a CIDR -notated range of addresses) for Atlas to allow connection requests.
  2. Peering : Atlas supports network peering connection from AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.
  3. Private Endpoint

In this PoC we will configure Network Peering between Azure VNet and Atlas VNet


Choose Network Access and goto Peering Tab to Add a new Peering Connection

Add a New Peering Connection
Choose Azure as a Cloud Provider

Get the below information from Azure Account and configure it in Atlas setup wizard on prompt as shown below

  1. Subscription ID
  2. Tenant ID
  3. Resource Group Name : The name of the resource group under which the VNET is created in Azure.
  4. VNet name: The VNet name of the Azure.
replace the information in <> with your account details.

After configuring with the above information, Atlas provides you with the set of instruction that can be executed either in Azure CLI or Azure Cloud Shell( use bash instead of powershell). As a part of this step we create a service principal and a required role definition for peering with Azure VNet.

On Successful completion of the above 4 steps we can Initiate peering, Atlas and Azure would now show Active peering as shown below.

Atlas: Active Peering

Switch back to Azure portal and view the peering status.

Azure VNet Peering Status

IP Address List

Once the Peering is active as a next step add the list of Private IP Address range from Azure VNet( subnet used while creating a AKS).

Add New IP Addresses

In the Azure portal get the subnet Address used during AKS creation and add them in the Atlas

Peering is now setup between Azure VNet and Atlas Vnet. Lets now see how this can be leveraged in the Spring Boot App.

Connection String

Atlas provides different connection strings based on the connection type, once the peering is established, choose “Private IP for Peering” under connection type.

Connection Type: Private IP for Peering.

Use the connection string for Java and have them configured in your spring boot application.

Select Connection Method

Build and Deploy Spring Boot App in AKS

The below repository holds a simple spring boot app for connecting to MongoDB and do basic CRUD operation.

Docker Build & Push to Container Repository

Check out the above git repository, update the connection string from the above step in and issue the below commands

mvn clean package -DskipTests=true

docker build -t <containerrepositoryname> .

Once the build is completed push the image to the azure container registry

az login

az acr login -n <containerrepositoryname>

docker push <containerrepositoryname>

Deploy App to AKS & Expose endpoint

Login to AKS Cluster and Deploy the App

az aks get-credential --resource-group=<your resource group name> --name=<yourclustername>

kubectl create deployment mongospringpoc --image=<containerrepositoryname>

kubectl expose deployment mongospringpoc --port=8080 --type=LoadBalancer

Access exposed REST end point to verify

http://<your ip>:8080/employee-jpa/salary-greater-than/100

Was able to access the Atlas Cluster from Spring boot app hosted in AKS.

