Mapping SWIFT MT Messages to ISO 20022 (MX): Navigating the Transition

Rajesh Vinayagam
5 min readAug 17, 2024


In our previous articles, we explored the essentials of ISO 20022 and SWIFT MT messages, laying the groundwork for understanding the complexities of global financial messaging. We delved into the structure, purpose, and significance of each standard in the broader financial ecosystem.

As the global financial industry transitions from SWIFT MT to ISO 20022, often referred to as the shift from MT to MX messages, it’s essential to understand how each SWIFT MT message maps to its ISO 20022 counterpart, facilitating a smooth transition.

This article will guide you through the key SWIFT MT messages and their ISO 20022 (MX) equivalents, providing a clear understanding of how this transition supports the evolution of financial messaging.

Understanding the Transition: Why ISO 20022?

Before diving into the specific mappings, it’s crucial to recap why this transition is happening. SWIFT MT messages have been the backbone of international banking for decades, offering a standardized format for a wide range of financial transactions. However, as the financial industry has evolved, the need for a more flexible, data-rich, and globally standardized messaging format has become apparent. This is where ISO 20022 comes in, offering enhanced capabilities that support modern financial transactions, regulatory compliance, and technological advancements.

MT to MX: The Shift in Financial Messaging

The transition from SWIFT MT to ISO 20022 is often referred to as moving from MT to MX messages. The term MX denotes the new generation of messages based on the ISO 20022 standard, where the “X” signifies the XML format used in these messages. This shift is not just about changing message formats but represents a broader evolution towards more flexible, data-rich, and globally standardized financial communication.

Mapping SWIFT MT Messages to ISO 20022

1. MT1xx Series: Customer Payments and Cheques

The MT1xx series is primarily focused on customer payments and cheques. These messages are central to everyday banking operations, particularly in cross-border transactions.

MT103 (Single Customer Credit Transfer):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: pacs.008 (FIToFICstmrCdtTrf)
  • Purpose: Both MT103 and pacs.008 are used for customer credit transfers, particularly for cross-border payments. The transition to pacs.008 allows for more detailed remittance information and supports additional data fields required for compliance and reporting.

MT110 (Advice of Cheque(s)):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: camt.052 (BankToCustomerAccountReport)
  • Purpose: MT110 advises the drawee bank about cheque details, while camt.052 offers a more detailed account report that includes cheque information, enhancing the clarity and depth of reporting.

2. MT2xx Series: Financial Institution Transfers

The MT2xx series deals with interbank transfers, which are critical for the settlement of obligations between financial institutions.

MT202 (General Financial Institution Transfer):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: pacs.009 (FIToFICdtTrf)
  • Purpose: Both MT202 and pacs.009 are used for bank-to-bank transfers. Pacs.009, however, supports more comprehensive data elements, making it better suited for today’s complex financial environment.

MT205 (Financial Institution Transfer Execution):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: pacs.009 (FIToFICdtTrf)
  • Purpose: Similar to MT202, MT205 is also mapped to pacs.009, ensuring consistency in the execution of financial institution transfers with enhanced data capabilities.

3. MT3xx Series: Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, and Derivatives

The MT3xx series includes messages related to foreign exchange (FX), money markets, and derivatives, all crucial components of global financial markets.

MT300 (Foreign Exchange Confirmation):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: fxtr.003 (ForeignExchangeTradeInstruction)
  • Purpose: MT300 confirms FX transactions, while fxtr.003 provides a more detailed confirmation with better data structuring, supporting complex FX transactions.

MT320 (Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: camt.025 (Receipt of Funds Confirmation)
  • Purpose: MT320 and camt.025 both confirm the terms of loans or deposits. The ISO 20022 version, camt.025, allows for more comprehensive reporting and transparency.

4. MT5xx Series: Securities Markets

The MT5xx series covers a broad range of securities transactions, from trade execution to settlement and corporate actions.

MT540 (Receive Free):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: semt.017 (SecuritiesSettlementTransactionInstruction)
  • Purpose: MT540 instructs the receipt of securities without payment, whereas semt.017 offers a more detailed and flexible format for securities settlement instructions.

MT564 (Corporate Action Notification):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: seev.031 (CorporateActionNotification)
  • Purpose: Both MT564 and seev.031 are used to notify about corporate actions affecting securities. The transition to seev.031 provides greater detail and precision in corporate action notifications.

5. MT7xx Series: Documentary Credits and Guarantees

The MT7xx series is focused on trade finance, including documentary credits and guarantees.

MT700 (Issue of a Documentary Credit):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: camt.087 (TradeServicesInitiation)
  • Purpose: MT700 is used for issuing letters of credit. Camt.087 supports this function within ISO 20022, offering a richer data structure for trade services.

MT760 (Guarantee):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: camt.074 (GuaranteeIssuance)
  • Purpose: MT760 issues a guarantee, while camt.074 provides a more detailed and structured approach to guarantee issuance, ensuring better compliance and data management.

6. MT9xx Series: Cash Management and Customer Reporting

The MT9xx series includes messages for account reporting and confirmations, essential for managing cash flow and account reconciliation.

MT940 (Customer Statement Message):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: camt.053 (BankToCustomerStatement)
  • Purpose: MT940 provides account statements, whereas camt.053 enhances this by offering more detailed transaction information and better reporting capabilities.

MT950 (Statement Message):

  • ISO 20022 Equivalent: camt.052 (BankToCustomerAccountReport)
  • Purpose: MT950 summarizes account activity, while camt.052 offers a more granular account report, providing greater detail and transparency.

Navigating the Transition: What to Expect

The transition from SWIFT MT to ISO 20022 (MX) is well underway, with many financial institutions already adopting the new standard for specific transactions. This transition is not just about changing message formats but represents a significant evolution in how financial institutions communicate, process transactions, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Key Points to Consider:

  • Coexistence: During the transition period, both SWIFT MT and ISO 20022 (MX) messages will coexist. Financial institutions need to be prepared to handle both formats, ensuring interoperability and continuity.
  • Data Enrichment: ISO 20022 allows for more detailed data, which means institutions will need to enrich their transaction data to take full advantage of the new standard.
  • Training and Adaptation: As the transition progresses, financial institutions must invest in training their staff and upgrading their systems to fully support ISO 20022.


The mapping of SWIFT MT messages to their ISO 20022 (MX) counterparts is a crucial step in the global transition to a more modern, flexible, and data-rich financial messaging standard. Understanding these mappings is essential for financial institutions as they navigate the complexities of this transition, ensuring they remain competitive and compliant in the evolving landscape of global finance.

